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Month: June 2017

Mistake? Hardly

Mistakes. We all make them and some of them are doozies. People have lost careers over a faulty decision–think Captain Hazelwood drunk astern on the Valdez. A mistaken choice often produces incredible fruit–Fermi’s first chain reaction. I have come to believe that there’s really no such thing as a mistake.…

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Why I write

Mrs. Gilbert made me want to be a writer. It was the second grade and I don’t remember what kind of literature we were reading. Only two things mattered to me at the time. (1) I wanted to impress Mrs. Gilbert. She was by far the youngest teacher in the…

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Nick’s summer job

Let me tell you about my kid. Nick single-handedly created his own summertime volunteer job at the community center. A little over a month ago, he asked if it was a good idea if he volunteered with the day camp program. There was no sign or advertisement for it. The…