Dear David, I just heard from an ironworker friend of mine. He’s started back drawing and painting, things he said he should be doing his entire life. It was good to hear from him and to hear the sunshine in his voice. As you know, ironwork is slow right now.…
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Dear Willa, Many thanks for your letter to Jonnie. We have read parts of it to him, to let him know you love him and are thinking of him, but edited some of the other content. I hope you will understand when I say that we have to put Jonathan…
Leave a CommentJim, How’s this for profane: Why don’t we just take our military apart and become, by no stretch of the imagination, the bigger, more moral country? How about we stop funding 55,000 military contractors, reduce the size of the military to a crack security force of, say, 100,000, for another…
Leave a CommentDear Rev. David, There’s a sadness that’s crept in through the old-man gate. It strikes when human suffering fills the newspaper. Or when it’s the topic of television news. Today, the writer of a piece of literature for a nonprofit agency benefiting Indians told the story of Dull Knife and…
Leave a CommentIn the quiet I can hear the uncertainty of god and its existence or nonexistence. It feels good, not to know the mind of god or to believe that god’s faculties have anything to do with me, you, or this physical existence. If god is then it is not human…