The semester break has been very good to me, but it is ending on a note of sadness and apprehension. I’ve been able to write 54 new poems in the last month. I’ve posted 12 new essays on this website. I’ve written tens of E-mails, not one-liners or simple notes,…
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When Nick asked if he could go sledding with his friends, my heart stopped a second. Of course, I said sure. He’s 16 and can well manage on his own. Plus, he has to have his time independent of the house and of parents. But in the back of my…
Leave a CommentThe night I split up with Syd’s mom, Syd and I sat on the porch of our house at Gillham Park and watched the sun set over the apartment buildings and houses on the other side of the park. Relief coursed through me. I had come to terms with something…
Leave a CommentThe sun was already below the horizon. The heat of the day was lifting and the breeze from the south passed over the parking lots and strip malls out by the highway. Jeff, Brian, and I had already been to the liquor store and were looking for a place to…
One CommentOn January 7, Nick will have been with us for twelve years. He’s 16 now and a very different person. Conflict and fear fraught those first days with us. He had to learn how to trust. Then, he had to learn how to let go. We had to understand his…