Inspiration comes during composition and not before. A creative writing professor at UMKC gave this maxim to us as young and dreamy students. It would be many years before I absorbed this information or really knew what the hell my teacher was talking about. The prof was a known entity…
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Bill, I know people who have, for years, been quite happy with Sprint service for their cellphones. On the other hand, I have always had problems with the company. I cannot, for instance, get reliable service in my house. Signals come intermittently when I’m driving. A few years ago, I…
Leave a CommentDear Ray, I meant to send you the small book and the NatGeo with the bird article by Jonathan Franzen months and months ago. But the fever got lost in other comings and goings.The stuff sat on the dining room table, got pushed to the side, and there it stood.…
Leave a CommentBlue Dog. What a silly name for a man. It’s a Confederate flag-waving sort of name that sticks in the craw and appeals to the masculine aspect of American culture, which turns me off and triggers intestinal resistance to the cult of masculinity. Blue Dog reminds me of those long-hair reactionary Harley-riding butchies who…
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