It’s a melancholy time of year. The summer has passed, the children have gone home. The parks department has closed the pool and taken down the umbrellas. All that dry grass and noonday sun is just a memory. As a teacher, I find this time of year the hardest on…
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The last six weeks have made me pant and wring my hands. I fell off my bike, breaking and rib and tearing up a shoulder. Then, I rewrote a whole book. I penned five pieces for this website and two 5,000-plus-word essays for a magazine that only asked for and…
2 CommentsAfter a quick breakfast, Josef and I drove through the older part of the village and past the old Weingut. We left the road and rolled up a grassy byway to his parcel of land. He handed me a couple of plastic pails and opened the fence into his orchard.…
One CommentYesterday, life was pretty easy to live. The whole thing was laid out before me before I even started. I was up at 8 a.m., brewed a cup of tea, and then sat down to my work. Since I run most of my life by the seat of my pants,…
Leave a CommentSometimes a book can change your life. Sometimes a body of an author’s work can influence your whole existence. The Writing Disorder published my essay on travel memoirist Eddy L. Harris recently. Take a look. Photo by Yann Rabanier