Dear Monika, I’m so glad you found me—the Internet can be such a dream sometimes. Thanks for asking about me and telling me a little of yourself. I appreciate most the handwritten letter. I miss letter writing and love the increasingly rare occasions when I get one. We haven’t seen…
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Dear Jane, Thanks for the invite to the potluck. The dinner will be a good night out for me. My social life in the last few years has been not so social. I also understand what you mean about being troubled about your social life–which is why you’re having a…
Leave a CommentDear Alex, You’ve asked about getting my boat out on the river for an overnight. I have wanted to do this with you for a long time. I know I’ve said we will. But let me tell you quite honestly that there are several problems I have to process before…
Leave a CommentBilly, I’m trying to punch a hole in what some would call writer’s block. Normally, I would sit down to a computer and write whatever came to mind. In my recent state of lethargy, I find that a keyboard yields up little in the way of exciting material. Nothing’s…
Leave a CommentAlex, I understand your complaint and why you would feel guilty about it. It’s tough not to feel empty when we achieved all we once dreamed of. I find myself at ends with my middle class life that’s do different from the life I once knew. I have comfort, enough…
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