Jaquie, I was busy today and looked only very briefly at the last letter you sent. In reference to men making brash and unsupported (or that they support with specious and biased bullshit) statements about women, I only get angry, then I get mean, and finally I become thoughtful and…
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Jesus, Roger, I get it. More than I can tell you, I get it. Employment is hell. Period. Your feelings and sentiments about the your job sound a lot like my book-editing days at a family-owned publisher. I’d worked for a newspaper for several years. An out-of-town corporation bought the…
Leave a CommentDear Billi, Lily Munster, Morticia Addams, and all the Catwomen dominated my teen life. I find they have a lot to do with my middle-age life too. (I swear, I try not to be a pig. I tell myself every morning, don’t be a pig, don’t be a pig, don’t…
Leave a CommentToday I filled in the City of Kansas City, Missouri, bike survey. It smelled like another hired-consultant in the bushes. I suppose they want the “pulse of the city” on bikes and riding bikes. The survey writers limited the questions and responses in such a way to say, really, nothing…
Leave a CommentJim,I’m very glad to have you around. I apologize for not returning your message earlier. I’ve been very busy lately. Some of my work has been good, a lot of it a pain in the ass. To answer your question: I have not been at ironwork lately, but not because…
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