Dear Rocky, You know, Rocky, your note comes at the right moment. I just now received another reminder of how important little things are. A note. A phone call. A thought. My good friend and brother, Andre Jefferson, has gone to the hospital and won’t return home again. He found…
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Billy, I keep obsessing on a work of art, an instillation. Signs, each big enough to read at several hundred feet. Each sign will have one word. That one word will be a racial, gender, sexual, or ethnic epithet. Haunky, corncracker, peckerwood, whitey, spic, wop, n-word, coon, darkie, bitch, whore,…
Leave a CommentJoseph, My friend just sent me the discussion you brought up regarding minority participation on the job site. I’m right there with you. I saw some of the nasty posts. I’m sorry so many brothers are small minded when it comes to race. At least we have them in a…
Leave a CommentHilary, I have about a half hour before I poop out and thought I’d finish my note from the other night. I was going to tell you a little something about what I’ve been up to this summer and, perhaps, sort through a couple of things for myself. I think…
Leave a CommentAuggie, I love getting letters. It’s something that doesn’t happen much anymore, and I miss it. I got hooked on letter writing and the mailbox when I was in Germany now 25 years ago. Being alone in another land, I really hung on the mere possibility of getting news, a…
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