Dear Cherie, I’ve been thinking of you lately and wondering how that new life of yours is going. I certainly hope you made the break you were thinking about (or had planned), and that the new routines, rhythms, and practices have been showing you the wisdom of your decision(s). I…
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Wed., June 29 Dear Gene, I was in the ironworker school today practicing the welding test to get 3/8” certified. I say “practice” since there was no way that I was going to test and embarrass myself. And I needed the practice. It amazed me that after just a month…
Leave a CommentDearest Friedrich, Frankly, I’m quite happy you asked about the things dividing Americans at the moment, and that you asked me to write in English. German would be a little difficult I get angry and need a table to pound. It easy to get that way when I see the…
Leave a CommentDear Janet, Today was one of those days that leave me wondering why I even try. One the one hand, I met with a guy who’s taken an interest in my pictures. It should be a triumph, really. I mean, someone taking me seriously. I’ve had a chip on my…
Leave a CommentBillie, Frankly, I don’t really know how summer is going yet. School’s pace, which always seems to be furious, has given way to days on which I have to impose my own discipline. In other words, I went from having my hair on fire all the time to sitting in…
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